Why Sedation Free?

Convenient, Cost Effective, Preventative Care.

Convenient. Without the need for sedation, cleaning can be performed more quickly and with fewer preparations. This can be particularly beneficial for dogs who may have difficulty with anesthesia or require frequent cleanings due to their specific dental needs.

Cost Effective. Sedation-free teeth cleaning is less expensive than a full dental cleaning under anesthesia, making it a more affordable option for dog owners to maintain their pet's oral health.

Preventative Care. Regular teeth cleanings provide an opportunity for us to examine your dog's teeth, gums, and oral cavity. This allows for the early detection of any dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay. Early intervention can prevent further complications and improve your dog's oral and digestive health.

*It is important to note that sedation-free teeth cleaning may not be suitable for all dogs. Some dogs may require a deeper cleaning or more extensive dental work that can only be performed under anesthesia by your veterinarian.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and have your dog experience the joy of a stress-free dental cleaning. Together, we'll keep those tails wagging and those teeth sparkling!

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MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE > call or email to enquire |